If you are unable to attend a program, please let us know as soon as possible.
*New in 2024*
You are now able to use the self-cancellation feature in Active Network to cancel registration on your own!
Refunds vary based on when the cancellation is processed. Cancellations are processed Monday – Friday during office hours. Cancellations must be communicated either in writing via email or via voicemail if you are not able to get ahold of one of our staff members over the phone (attempts to call without a voicemail left will not be accepted.)
- More than three weeks before the start of camp/class: 90% refund.
- Between one and three weeks before the start of camp/class: 50% refund.
- SSP is unable to offer refunds for cancellations submitted less than one week (five business days) before the start of camp/class.
- We are unable to offer refunds or transfers for the Hobie Wave Experience.
SSP reserves the right to cancel programs without a minimum number of participants. For cancelled programs, we will make every attempt to place participants in an alternate program and, if unable, will issue a 100% refund.
*If you opted in and paid for the Active Refund option during checkout and need to cancel, please contact Active Network to utilize your benefit. We don’t have the ability to assist with Active Refund questions or issues.

Registered participants may transfer to another camp/class, pending availability, up to three weeks before the start of a camp/class.
Transfers are generally not permitted less than three weeks before the start of program, though we will make exceptions if there is space in a program.
If you are registered for a program and on a waitlist for a different week or class/camp and get an invite telling you you’ve made it off the waitlist, you can call us for a free transfer into the new week of camp or class you were on the waitlist for. If you get the invite in the evening or over a weekend when you cannot get ahold of SSP staff, you’ll need to pay for the new week or program and contact us for a full refund for the program you were initially registered for once the office is open again.

Inclement Weather
Youth Camps:
Normal protocol is that, in the event of inclement weather,* camps will proceed indoors. No refunds are issued.
Adult Classes:
Normal protocol is that, in the case of inclement weather,* classes will proceed indoors or be rescheduled. No refunds are issued.
*We will be monitoring AQI based on forecasts for our area and making decisions when the AQI reaches an unhealthy range. Smoke present in the air does not automatically mean camp/class is cancelled so please check with our team if you are unsure.
AQI: 51-100 = Moderate
AQI: 101-150 = Unhealthy if sensitive
AQI: 151-200 = Unhealthy