Sail Sand Point

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Middle School Sailing Team

Spring and Fall for ages 11 to 15

Middle school sailing at Sail Sand Point primarily takes place in RS Fevas, although we may sail other boats. Sailors between the ages of 11 through 15 are eligible to participate. The middle school sailing team is geared towards younger sailors who would like to befriend other sailors, and work as a team while improving their sailing skills. There may be some regattas that sailors can compete in, depending on the season.


Sailors looking to join the Middle School Sailing team should have taken at least a Beginner sailing course at SSP (or other sailing school) or have other dinghy experience. A good baseline is being able to rig and derig a boat confidently, being able to tack and gybe consistently, and being able to sail to an upwind mark.


If you have questions about the Middle School team, please email Head Coach of Racing Alec Wade (



Race Team Dues

Sail Sand Point utilizes a tiered dues structure for our youth racing programs and offers scholarships to any youth racing participants in need.

Families can choose between paying market rate or a more supportive rate; can request a subsidized rate; or apply for a scholarship.

All race team dues payments will be managed through Active Network.

Families are not beholden to pay at the same tier over multiple seasons. The tier a family chooses will have no impact on their sailor’s standing in the program.

Please refer to the Race Team Dues page to choose what is best for your family.